
Prosperity Puzzle Review

Prosperity Puzzle Review

In this Prosperity Puzzle review we are going to take an in-depth look at this new digital product from Aiden Booth.

You may be familiar with Aiden from some of his other digital products like The Infinity Project, FBA Black Edition, Underground Sales System and more.

By the end of this Prosperity Puzzle review you will know exactly what it is and whether or not it will benefit you to join.

What Is Prosperity Puzzle?

Prosperity Puzzle is a personal development training that consists of a series of videos that deal with six different parts of the puzzle that are the necessary building blocks for success and prosperity.

The thinking is that if you are deficient in one part of the puzzle, your chances for success and prosperity are diminished greatly.

So the course focuses on improving each of the six parts of the puzzle.

Once you have mastered all six parts, your success is inevitable.

A number of these topics are covered at my number one recommended program.

You can learn more about that at my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

What Are The Six Pieces Of The Prosperity Puzzle?

Prosperity Puzzle

You can see the six parts of the Prosperity Puzzle in the image above. Let's break them each down starting at the top.

  • The first part of the Prosperity Puzzle is the "T", which stands for Tactical.
  • The second part of the Puzzle is "O", which stands for Organization.
  • The third part of the Puzzle is "R", which stands for Rituals.
  • The fourth part of the Prosperity Puzzle is "P", which stands for Psychological.
  • The fifth part of the Puzzle is "A", which stands for Accountability.
  • The sixth part of the Puzzle is "P", which stands for Physical.

The goal is to become proficient in each of the six puzzle pieces.

Prosperity Puzzle Review Video

In the video below I will give you an inside look at The Prosperity Puzzle so that you know exactly what to expect before you decide if it is right for you.

What Is Included In The Prosperity Puzzle?

The Prosperity Puzzle consists of 53 different training videos aimed at the six pieces of the puzzle.

Each of the lessons consists of an on demand video training and a downloadable PDF.

Let's take a look at each of the trainings for this Prosperity Puzzle Review.

"T" - Tactical Training

  • How Bill Gates & Michael Jordan Succeeded FASTER - One of the easiest ways to slice your time to success in half (or more!)
  • Osmosis Factor - The key to effortless learning.
  • The Information Diet - One thing you SHOULD be consuming in excess.
  • Steve's Soccer Strategy - Aim to consistently put yourself in a position to score.
  • Impact Theory - For business success, solve a BIG problem or solve a small problem for a lot of people.
  • Out of sight, out of mind - This simple principal can be applied to curb habits in all areas of life.
  • Sam Walton's Secret - Competition is good, especially when you can learn from it.

"O" - Organizational Training

  • Getting SMARTer - Smart Acronym
  • What Is Your Priority? - What's the one most important thing for you to focus on today?
  • Simplify Your Way To Success - What would this look like in it's simplest form?
  • Domino Planning (Your Critical Path) - An overview of how to use a simple the 12 week year planning system to build a critical path execution plan (with generic examples)
  • Rewiring Responses - Protect yourself against the entrepreneurs curse, say NO.
  • Plugging Holes & Hiring Guns - Get a partner, hire a VA, build a team. Plug your weaknesses.
  • Faster Frames - Get things done faster by watching/listening at 2x.
  • Procrastination Killer (HACK) - The ultimate procrastination killer... is it time to unleash the Pomodoro technique?
  •  Systematize - Systems and SOP's are secret organizational hacks used by the most successful people in the world, find out why...

"R" - Rituals Training

  • Success Patterns - Long term success and prosperity doesn't happen by chance, it's happens because of the way people behave. Look for the clues around you, and you'll do better in life.
  • The 1% Difference - 1% improvement for year = 37x better.
  • Finding More Time - How do you make more time? You can't! The only thing you can do is to use your time better. Here's one simple way to do that...
  • Expect The Miscellaneous - How building two 'miscellaneous blocks' into your day can keep you on track.
  •  The Problem With Practice - Deliberate practice is the key... not just being busy or aimless repetition.
  • Powerful Associates - Your associations WILL impact your results, here's what you need to be wary of...
  • Spongify - Never stop learning, just make sure you choose carefully who you're going to learn from.

"P" - Psychological Training

  • Directional Focus - The sure-bet alternative to winning the lottery: directional focus.
  • Seeing Is Believing - Imagine it. Think it. Do it. Get it.
  • Consciousness Kickoff - Wake up routine. Think of three things that you're grateful for, three wins from yesterday, and three things you'll achieve today.
  • Not Yet... - The ONLY way to frame roadblocks and hurdles.
  • The Dip - A simple phenomena that impacts almost any project worth doing. Know it, and be prepared.
  • Unshackle Limits - Overestimate what we can do in one year, underestimate what we can do in 5.
  • The Need For Speed - Not just money, but success. But it needs to be focused and deliberate speed, but just being busy.
  • Outlook - Optimize your outlook & you will optimize your outcomes.
  • Off When You're Off - Disconnect entirely from works and goals when you need downtime (vacation, etc)
  • What's at stake? - Why are you doing what you're doing?
  • Re-Wiring Thoughts - Here's what I think about affirmations...
  •  Doin' Time... - Have you put in the time and energy required?
  • Adaptability Mindset - Do you have a "Black or White mindset" when it comes to success and prosperity? Here's why you need to change it.
  •  Winners Mind vs Losers Mind - Thinking in terms of abundance is a vital ingredient in success. Here's my take on it...
  • Humility - Realise you can always learn from others.
  •  When To Reframe & Reset - Accept that shit happens. Refocus on your goals. Push on tomorrow.
  • Mind Muscle Memory - Why you might need to rewire your brain, and the power of achievement on repeated success.
  • Finding Your Current - Don't fight the current, use it to your advantage.
  • The Problem With YOLO - The problem with YOLO, and why delayed gratification is so important.
  • Trial and Error = ERROR - Why you need to avoid this method of learning ASAP.
  • The Responsibility Factor - Take responsibility for your circumstances and control your destiny. 

"A" - Accountability Training

  • The Problem With 'Interested' - When interested.. you do stuff when it's convenient. When committed, you accept no excuses, only results.
  • Dashboard Indicators (KPI's) - Why it's VITAL that you start measuring. 

"P" - Physical Training

  • Mission Critical Recharging - Why getting enough sleep is mission critical to your success!
  • Daily Elixir - A serious look at how much you should be drinking...
  • The Physical Edge - Almost every mega-successful person exercises... here's my take on this and my recommendation to you.
  • Measured Consumption - Here's my alcohol consumption gameplan... 

Prosperity Puzzle Review Final Thoughts

As you can see the Prosperity Puzzle is a very extensive personal development training program.

I think that it is also important to note that the creator is Aiden Booth, who is a very successful online entrepreneur, so he knows what he is talking about.

The Prosperity Puzzle was originally a $297 product, but during these difficult times, Aiden is offering the Prosperity Puzzle for whatever you are willing to pay.


You can get in for $0 if you would like!

I don't think it is worth $297, but I definitely think it is worth more than $0.

There are a lot of really good golden nuggets in here that are going to help any entrepreneur.

My advice...

If you have some extra time and you are looking to improve your business and personal life skills, head over to the Prosperity Puzzle website and pick up your copy of the program.

I hope that you have found my Prosperity Puzzle review helpful.

Thanks for stopping by!


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