In this Wealthy Affiliate review, I will provide you with the most comprehensive insider's look at the Wealthy Affiliate program available today!
You will find my review summary in the box directly below and if you continue down the page, I will reveal absolutely everything about the program in my full Wealthy Affiliate review!
I hold nothing back and I will provide answers to all of the questions that you have and even some that you didn't think of!
Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary
Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www
Product Type: Membership site providing all of the necessary tools and training to build a real, sustainable online business.
Price: $0 Membership - No Credit Card Required
Summary: Wealthy affiliate is an online community of motivated individuals focused on building real, successful online businesses.
Wealthy Affiliate Rating - 96/100
Final Verdict: 100% Recommended!
You are obviously searching for Wealthy Affiliate reviews because you are interested in what they have to offer.
There are so many Wealthy Affiliate reviews online that are just nothing more than advertisements trying to get you to sign up.
Here is a little about myself and why you should read my review.
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2016 and before that I was a member at Solo Build It since 2007. I know the affiliate marketing business very well and have a number of money making websites in different niches.
This Wealthy Affiliate review is not just another sales pitch. It is an in depth look at the program that will answer all of your questions and shine a spotlight on the shortcomings of Wealthy Affiliate , as well as show you what they do well.
I value my reputation and only recommend legit online opportunities that can help my readers, which is why I will also recommend Wealthy Affiliate alternatives that may suit you better.
Here are some of the things that I will cover in detail in this review
- What is Wealthy Affiliate?
- How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
- Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam?
- Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?
- Wealthy Affiliate Pricing
- What is included in the Free Starter Membership?
- Who Can Benefit From Wealthy Affiliate?
- Who Will Not Benefit From Wealthy Affiliate?
- What Kind Of Tools and Training are Available Inside Wealthy Affiliate?
- How is the Support?
- What is the Community Like?
- Wealthy Affiliate Review Video
- How Does Wealthy Affiliate Compare to Solo Build It?
- How Long Does it Take to Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate?
- What are the Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate?
- Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?
- Wealthy Affiliate Success Rate
- An Exclusive Interview with the Co-Founder of Wealthy Affiliate
- The History of Wealthy Affiliate
- Wealthy Affiliate Review Conclusion and Special Bonus
The Wealthy Affiliate Review that you are about to read is true and concise to the best of my ability. That is my promise to you.
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a community membership site that gives you access to all of the tools and training that you will need to build a successful online business that you can operate from the comfort of your own home.
It is a platform that enables online entrepreneurs to learn from the experts and share their challenges and also have their questions answered.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches members how to make money online and unlike most scams that are "get rich quick" schemes, this platform is aimed at gradual long-term success.
It is also an incredible community of like minded individuals that are all focused on building businesses and helping each other in the process.
This is the part of Wealthy Affiliate that surprised me the most!
The community is similar to Facebook, where members like and share things with each other, as well as answer any questions that you have almost instantly.
Another feature that I love is that you can post a webpage after you have built it and ask the community for comments, which really gets your website going.
There is nothing worse than a website without any comments and social engagement, but Wealthy Affiliate has solved that problem!
Of course the whole idea of the community is to "pay it forward", so you have to leave comments on other members sites.
It is a win - win for everyone!
In my exclusive interview with one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, I asked him the question: What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Here is his answer:
"Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that provides entrepreneurs a place to create, grow and manage their online businesses. It includes everything you need from the training, the live classes, the tools, a website builder and WA only website features, domains, an industry leading hosting platform, personal support & mentoring, and the ability to network with 100,000's of like minded and very successful online marketers."
Click here to join me inside for free.
Now that we know what Wealthy Affiliate is, that will help us to understand the answer to: "How does Wealthy Affiliate work?".
How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
You obviously are doing research online and wondering: How does Wealthy Affiliate work?
I wanted to take this opportunity to dive deeper into the questions that you have so that you fully understand how Wealthy Affiliate works.
Here's why.
There are a lot of unscrupulous marketers out there that are going to make wild claims about how Wealthy Affiliate works, to get you to join.
You are then going to join with these unreasonable expectations that were created by someone trying to make a quick buck.
Then you are going to disappointed and frustrated and leave the program, before ever really giving it a chance.
Here's the difference.
The difference between me and those unscrupulous marketers, is that I'm not interested in making a quick buck.
I focus on building a real, sustainable online business and helping other people that want to do the same.
Helping you!
Click here to join me inside for free.
Let's take a look at exactly how does Wealthy Affiliate work?
The way Wealthy Affiliate works is basically broken down into four steps.
I will list the steps below and then we will break down each step and dive deeper into what is involved in that step.
- Choose a Niche
- Build a Website
- Attract Visitors to your Site
- Make Money!
Let's break them down.
1. Choose a Niche
A niche is basically what your website is about.
This is a really important step and you should put a good amount of time into deciding what your niche should be.
There is some really good training on niche selection at Wealthy Affiliate, but some people still get stuck on this step.
Here Are Some Tips For Niche Selection
- Choose a niche in which you can bring value to your readers. You are much more likely to succeed if you focus on bringing value and then let everything else follow.
- Think about what jobs you have had, or what expertise you may have developed over the years. These are frequently niches where you can add value.
- Think about what problems you have had in the past. Especially problems where it was difficult to find a solution. These can be great niches!
- What recreational activities do you enjoy? These can be good niches as well.
- One of the most important things in niche selection is to make sure you are dealing with a buying audience! In other words, will the people reading your articles make a purchase to solve their problem or pain point?
- Competition is a good thing! Don't let competition keep you from starting in a niche. Competition means that there is money to be made in that niche.
That is a brief rundown on choosing a niche. There is much more comprehensive training at Wealthy Affiliate.
If you join through my link, I will also share my ebook, Niche Authority with you. Niche Authority has helped thousands that have gotten stuck on niche selection.
2. Build a Website
Step 2 in how does Wealthy Affiliate work, is building a website.
Don't let this scare you!
With the step be step instructions and training at Wealthy Affiliate, you will have a beautiful, fully functioning website, build on the WordPress platform, and fully optimized to attract readers and convert them into customers in no time.
Watch the video below to see a website built at Wealthy Affiliate in less than a minute!
Let's break down the steps that you will learn to build your website.
- Choose a name for your website - The name will be the niche that you have chosen or something close.
- Choose a theme for your website - The theme is the look and feel of your website and Wealthy Affiliate has tons to choose from.
- Add the core content to your website - The core content consists of an About Page, a Contact Page, a Privacy Policy Page and a Terms and Conditions Page. This all covered in step by step training.
- Add menus for navigation to your website - Next you will add menus for navigation so that your readers can navigate their way around your site. This is very easy to do and also covered with step by step training.
That's it!
All of this is covered in depth in the Wealthy Affiliate training.
At this point your website is fully functional and all you have to do is create content.
That is where the next step comes in.
3. Attract Visitors to Your Website
This is what we call traffic and there are basically two types of traffic.
- Free Traffic
- Paid Traffic
The vast majority of training at Wealthy Affiliate centers around free traffic and that is where you should direct your focus.
Attracting visitors to your site with free traffic can be broken down into three steps.
- Keyword Research - Your Wealthy Affiliate membership will come with free access to a keyword research tool named Jaaxy. You will also have extensive training on how to find keywords in your niche. This will show you exactly what people are searching for on the internet and how difficult or easy it will be to get ranked in the Google search results for that term.
- Writing SEO Optimized Content - SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You will be taught, step by step how to create content that is optimized not only for the reader, but for the search engines as well. Over time, Google will see your content as valuable and begin to send traffic to your website.
- Promote Your Content - This step is critical and is often overlooked. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you the correct way to promote your conten in order to drive traffic from multiple sources. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, to name a few.
Once we have traffic to our site, now comes the fun part!
Making Money!
4. Monetize Your Website
Affiliate Marketing is a Great Way for Stay at Home Moms and Dads to Make Money Online.
There are many ways to make money online. Wealthy Affiliate focuses on teaching affiliate marketing, which is one of the best ways to build a real, sustainable online business.
Here's how affiliate marketing works:
A person is searching for something online.
- It could be an answer to a question.
- It could be a solution for a problem that they have.
- It could be a review of a product they want to buy.
That person will find exactly what they are looking for online and when they do, the person that created the content will send the visitor to a link where they can get what they seek from a third party.
The visitor will purchase the product from the third party and the content creator will make a commission.
That is how it works!
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs available with products that you can promote in just about any niche.
One of the biggest affiliate programs out there is Amazon.
Inside of Wealthy Affiliate is a complete database of affiliate programs available today.
I hope that I have succeeded in providing value and that now you have a clear answer to the question: "How does Wealthy Affiliate work?"
This is probably a great time to reiterate that Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools and training to build a real, sustainable online business and that there is no such thing as "get rich quick".
Building an online business is hard work.
Buy if you are dedicated and willing to put in the hard work, you will be rewarded.
How does Wealthy Affiliate work?
Wealthy Affiliate only works if you do.
Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam?
No, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not a scam!
It will not only teach you how to build a profitable online business but will also help you master effective digital marketing techniques that will ensure your online business remains successful.
The Reason Why Some People Call it the Wealthy Affiliate Scam
Some people call it the Wealthy Affiliate scam because one of the options when you are learning in Wealthy Affiliate is to build a website promoting Wealthy Affiliate. It is only one of the options and not even the best option for beginners, but people use this to promote the Wealthy Affiliate scam.
I set out to find out about the Wealthy Affiliate scam before I was a member.
Here is exactly what I did...
My Investigation Into the Wealthy Affiliate Scam
I've made a living out of exposing online scams, so when my readers started asking Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?, I knew it was time to infiltrate this program and go through it with a fine tooth comb.
This was before I was a member.
I decided that the best way to find the answer to, is Wealthy Affiliate a scam, would be to join the program and get a close look at exactly what they are offering and if its members were successful and satisfied with the program.
The very first thing that I noticed was that they offered a free option to join.
This immediately put Wealthy Affiliate in a good light in my mind, but I was still skeptical about what they would include for free.
So I signed up for the free account and I was pretty impressed by what was included.
I also did some research to see if I could find Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories and I was very impressed by what I found.
So far, my answer to, Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?, would have to be no.
I have never seen an online scam that would give prospective members an unrestricted view into exactly what the program has to offer, for free. Without even requiring a credit card!
You can see for yourself. Join here for free without even a credit card!
I've decided to share an insiders look at Wealthy Affiliate with you!
This is the very first lesson and videos outlining the walkthrough of Wealthy Affiliate!
Click here to see the lesson and videos without joining!
Then you can decide... Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?
So, I determined there was no scam involved in Wealthy Affiliate's free membership, but I decided to take it a step further and join their paid membership.
Here's what I found...
Is The Premium Membership a Scam?
I felt that it was important to go deeper undercover and into the premium membership in order to find the true answer to; Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam?
I upgraded to premium membership using the annual option, which cost me less than a dollar a day for the year.
What I found was more great task based training and now I had the ability to create websites and hosting all included. Pretty good deal!
Even more importantly, I now had the ability to private message any of the members.
Including the owners. Yea right... Like they are going to respond!
Ok, so now I was going to test the private message thing and see if I could actually get one of the owners to respond.
I sent a private message to Kyle, one of the co-owners.
In the message I said that I would like to interview him about Wealthy Affiliate for my website.
Imagine my surprise when he promptly answered and agreed to do the interview!
You can see the interview by clicking here.
Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam? - My Findings
I must admit that I was surprised by what I found inside the Wealthy Affiliate program.
I believe that we have thoroughly investigated and fully answered the question...
Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?
Wikipedia defines a scam as...
An attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence.
Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best online programs that I have seen in my internet marketing career.
While I love my premium membership, I suggest that you start with the free membership and see if it is for you. There is absolutely no obligation and no credit card required.
You have nothing to lose!
I'll see you inside!
Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is legit. WA is totally legal and an honest way to learn to make money online.
Wealthy Affiliate will not help you make money fast. There are plenty of scams out there that are designed to teach you exactly that. They are all scams. trust me.
If you are interested in investing your time and efforts in building a successful online business, then Wealthy Affiliate is a great program for you that is absolutely legit. Building a legitimate online business takes hard work and dedication.
Here's why Wealthy Affiliate is a legit and worthwhile investment.
1. Wealthy Affiliate was started eleven years ago and it has grown steadily as it now has more than 200,000+ members
This program has been wholly embraced by many online entrepreneurs who are passionate and focused on building successful online businesses.
It has loyal members who are from all walks of life ranging from experienced and knowledgeable internet marketers to those who are just starting out.
In 11 years Wealthy affiliate has established a solid reputation as a highly acclaimed platform that is essential for online entrepreneurs.
This is because:
- It features excellent training; it has detailed lessons that are organized in an easy to understand step-by-step pattern.
- Wealthy Affiliate has well thought-out weekly webinars that give members great advice and effective tips on building successful online businesses. These webinars are not only informative but are also an enjoyable learning experience.
- Has all the requirements needed to start and grow an online business such as domain names, training and support.
- Has a well established site building platform (SiteRubix) that enables members to build websites easily.
2. Wealthy Affiliate is owned by experienced and knowledgeable internet entrepreneurs who are at the top of their game
Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim are the owners of Wealthy Affiliate. They are successful entrepreneurs from British Columbia, Canada.
These two visionaries are creative and inventive entrepreneurs who are experts at their fields.
Additionally, they are extremely passionate and committed to helping people build successful online businesses.
Kyle and Carson actively participate in answering questions, dispensing great advice and taking part in the weekly webinars. This undoubtedly shows their sincerity in assisting members.
Furthermore the entire team of experts at Wealthy Affiliate are knowledgeable, respectful, helpful and very professional.
Apart from Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim also own two other remarkable programs; Jaaxy which is a great research tool and Street Articles which is an online article directory.
3. Wealthy Affiliate has updated and relevant information that is practical for online entrepreneurs.
Wealthy Affiliate has over seven hundred and fifty training updates annually and has had over 155 system improvements in the past year.
This is because the team of experts at Wealthy Affiliate recognizes how ever-adapting and ever-changing online marketing is.
The information is regularly updated to ensure that it stays up to date with the current trends.
Additionally, the four steps to building an online business at Wealthy Affiliate are reasonable and practical.
Here is a brief rundown of the 4 steps to building a business at Wealthy Affiliate
- Picking an area of interest that intrigues you. It is imperative to choose something you are passionate about as this increases the chances of being successful
- Guidance on how to build a website; Wealthy Affiliate provides a simple step by step guideline on how to build and maintain a great website.
- Training on how to drive traffic to your website; after the website is up and running you will also be trained on how to drive traffic to your website and how to increase search engine rankings.
- Earning revenue; when you website starts getting traffic then you will be trained on how to join an affiliate program and start promoting affiliate programs and services
This four-step program is a reasonable and practical system that does not promise instant overnight success unlike most online scams. It is a procedural system that is aimed at helping members build a successful business that is sustainable for long-term success.
4. Wealthy Affiliate membership is free for starters giving you the chance to try it out and upgrade to premium only if impressed with the services offered.
Unlike many scams that require questionable membership fees, membership for starters is absolutely free at Wealthy Affiliate.
With free membership you are a basic member and will be able to access 500+ training modules, free hosting for two free websites, unrestricted access to at least 3 classrooms, support from owners for the first seven days, 30 keyword searches every month and the first phase of the boot camp course on building a great authority website.
This gives you the opportunity to try out the program and make an informed decision on whether it is suited to your needs and meets your expectations before making a payment to become a premium member.
As a premium member you will be able to access all the services that Wealthy Affiliate offers.
Wealthy Affiliate membership is reasonably priced; the starter membership is free while the premium membership is $49 monthly.
If you choose annual payments then the amount is $497 for an entire year.
Click here for 5 ways to get a Wealthy Affiliate Discount.
5. The training programs at Wealthy Affiliate handles subjects that are indispensable to every online entrepreneur
The information Wealthy Affiliate offers its members is not just a series of generalized guidelines but is a detailed tutorial that gives students the knowledge and tools to succeed online.
Students are offered step by step lessons on crucial topics. These lessons are easy to follow and very enjoyable to learn.
Furthermore, after every lesson, the student is given a series of tasks to complete; this is undoubtedly a very effective way of learning.
Some of the subjects that the extensive training at Wealthy Affiliate deals with include;
- How to select an appropriate niche
- Effective tips on building a great website
- Keyword research
- How to create captivating and fascinating videos that drive traffic to your site
- Effective search engine optimization techniques
- Social media engagement techniques
- How to effectively use pay-per-click
Wealthy Affiliate Pricing
Update 2022: Wealthy Affiliate now consists of three options to join. New for 2022 they have added a Premium Plus Option, which is explained below.
Starter Membership Pricing - cost $0 to join and includes 1 website and training, you can stay a free member as long as you want.
Premium Membership Pricing - Cost is $49 per month after that. You can choose to pay yearly for a cost of $497 which is less than a cup of coffee a day and will save you over $100 per year.
Premium Plus Membership Pricing - The premium plus membership option includes a higher tier of managed hosting along with a subscription to Jaaxy Enterprise, which is the top rated keyword research tool. It also includes over 200 classes for Premium Plus members only. Cost is $99 per month. You can choose to pay yearly at a cost of $697, which is a huge savings!
My suggestion is to start with a FREE membership and see if Wealthy Affiliate is everything that you expected. You can then upgrade to premium or premium plus at any time.
In addition to the Wealthy Affiliate pricing above, there are ways to reduce the cost.
I'd like to take a minute here to discuss how you can save a substantial amount of money when joining Wealthy Affiliate.
This is very rarely talked about , but I feel it is important, so I have written an in depth post about it.
You can Read it here:
Keep reading below for a more in depth Wealthy Affiliate review!
What is Included in the FREE Starter Membership?
This is a question that I get a lot from my readers.
People are always doubtful of something that is free and I don't blame them.
I could list all of the things that are included in the free membership,
but I have a better idea!
I made a video for you that let's you watch over my shoulder as I sign up for a free starter membership.
I then will walk you through Wealthy Affiliate and show you exactly what you get in the free membership.
Take a few minutes to watch my Wealthy Affiliate review of the free starter membership.
Who Can Benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?
You are here because you are searching for Wealthy Affiliate reviews in order to determine if Wealthy Affiliate is right for you.
Wealthy Affiliate will not benefit everyone, so look at who it is good for and then we in the next section we will look at who it is not good for.
Wealthy Affiliate is perfect for beginners and newbies. There are many intermediate and expert internet marketers inside Wealthy Affiliate, but it is people that are brand new to building websites and internet marketing that will benefit the most.
Here is a list of people that Wealthy Affiliate is perfect for!
- Stay at home Moms and stay at home Dads.
- Retirees interested in making money online.
- Students and teens interested in making money online.
- Anyone unhappy with their current employment situation.
- Anyone that wants to break free from the 9 to 5 grind.
- Bloggers looking to increase their online income.
- Local businesses looking to increase their online presence.
- Anyone that wants to learn how to build a website for free.
- And many many more!
Let me tell you my story and how I found Wealthy Affiliate...
I have been running my online business since 2007 and have been very successful along the way.
When you are involved in internet marketing, or digital marketing as it is sometimes called, you sometimes will begin to hear a buzz about certain things.
You will see emails, or tweets or just hear different people in your network mention things.
Well, I started to hear a buzz about Wealthy Affiliate, so I started to research the program and see what all the buzz was about.
I was stunned that I couldn't find anything negative about the program anywhere.
I decided to join for FREE and see what was waiting inside.
Once again I was stunned when I found out that there was no credit card required and no time limit on how long I could stay a free member!
They couldn't be serious.
Once I was inside the community and watching the training that was included for free, I was blown away.
I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on online training that was not nearly as good as this was!
I think what amazed me the most was the incredibly helpful, welcoming, community.
The community is 100% spam free! No one is allowed to promote anything inside the community, which makes it the perfect place to learn without being distracted by the next "shiny object".
So, back to the question of "who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?" The answer has to be everybody.
Clearly, I am not a beginner. I don't consider myself an expert, because in this line of business, the more that you know, the more there is to learn.
I can tell you that after almost 10 years in the affiliate marketing business, I have learned a ton from Wealthy Affiliate and only wish that I had found it earlier!
Inside the Wealthy Affiliate community you are going to find people from all walks of life.
Everyone from the complete beginner to internet marketers making well over six figures, and the beauty of the community is that everyone is engaged and welcoming, and share their timely freely with each other.
Who Will Not Benefit From Wealthy Affiliate?
Those who will not benefit from Wealthy Affiliate are anybody that is looking to make money fast.
I get emails everyday from people that have lost their jobs or they are facing foreclosure and they are looking for get rich quick schemes so that they can get out of the financial mess that they are in.
These people should not join Wealthy Affiliate because you cannot make money fast.
WA is all about building a real online business that takes time and hard work, just like any other business.
What Kind Of Tools and Training are Available Inside Wealthy Affiliate?
For this Wealthy Affiliate Review, let us first look at the training available inside Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate University is perhaps the most comprehensive online education available today.
Here is an overview of the training in Wealthy Affiliate University.
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Level 1
Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 1 consists of 5 task based lessons. Each lesson includes a written portion and a comprehensive video based lesson followed by tasks for you to complete before moving on to the next lesson.
Here are the 15 lessons:
- Getting Rolling
- Understanding How to Make Money Online
- Choose a Niche
- Building Your Own Website
- Setting up Your Website
Keep in mind that each of these lessons are very detailed and comprehensive. Each one will take at least an hour to complete and sometimes much more than that.
The amount of value taught in the first ten lessons is better than any other online training that I have ever been a part of.
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Level 2
Level 2 also consists of 5 task based, comprehensive written and video lessons.
The lessons in Level 2 are all about building a traffic producing website and methods used to get visitors to your site.
Join me here to see the 5 lessons.
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Level 3
The 10 lessons in Level 3 are all about my favorite subject...
Making Money!
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Level 4
The 10 lessons in Level 4 are all about Mastering Social Engagement.
This a very important part of managing an online business in today's world.
These lessons are invaluable!
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Level 5
Level 5 consists of another comprehensive 10 lessons entitled:
The Business of Content - Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation.
Bill Gates is famous for proclaiming in 1996 that "Content is King".
That is still true today and level 4 will teach you all of the aspects of content creation.
Here are some of the other classrooms.
- Keyword, Niche and Market Research
- Everything WordPress
- Authoring and Writing Content
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Engagement and Marketing
- Website Development and Programming
- Local Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Email Marketing
- The Wealthy Affiliate Platform
- Pay Per Click Marketing
- And More!
Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training
Also inside Wealthy Affiliate is Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp consisting of 7 phases and each phase consists of 10 task based lessons.
Let's take a look at the 7 phases for this Wealthy Affiliate Review:
- Starting your foundation
- Content, Keywords and Conversions
- Giving Your Site Social Value
- Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get a Brand Through Media
- Knowing Your Audiences and Catapulting Your Referrals
- Bing, Yahoo and the Power of PPC
- How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns
Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is designed to teach you how to build a business in the affiliate marketing niche.
Go here to my complete review of Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp.
All of this training may seem overwhelming but the 24/7 instant support available in the community is phenomenal and there is always someone ready and willing to help.
In addition to all of that, there is weekly live training on Friday nights, and if you miss the live training, they are all recorded, so that you can go back and watch at your leisure.
And then there is member created training where some of the advanced members will share lessons and methods for advancing your online business.
Wealthy Affiliate Review of the Tools
There are a number of awesome tools included in Wealthy Affiliate.
- Site Builder Tool - Wealthy Affiliate provides there own site builder for members. I am not a big fan of the site builder tool, so I don't use it. My tool of choice for building my websites is Thrive Architect.
- WordPress Themes - There are hundreds of WordPress themes to choose from at Wealthy Affiliate.
- Very Fast and Secure Website Hosting - Wealthy Affiliate is setting the standard for "all inclusive" managed WordPress hosting. Click here for my full Wealthy Affiliate Hosting review.
- Keyword Research Tool - Wealthy Affiliate members have free access to the premium keyword research tool called Jaaxy. Click here for my full Jaaxy review.
- Site Content Writing Tool - This is an awesome tool designed to help you improve your writing skills and create engaging content. You can see a complete walk thru of how Site Content works by clicking here.
- Site Feedback Tool - The Site Feedback tool works on the "pay it forward" concept, where you earn credits by giving feedback on other websites and then you can use those credits to get feedback on your own website.
- Link Tracking Tool - If you decide to promote Wealthy Affiliate, they have an awesome link tracking tool that you can utilize to learn exactly where your referrals are coming from.
- And More!
One of my favorite tools inside Wealthy Affiliate is a tool called Site Comments.
To me, one of the saddest things is when you visit a website and there are absolutely zero comments...
You can almost hear the wind blowing through the lonely, devoid website.
It's a sure sign that it is a new site with very little engagement.
Not anymore! Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!
Site Comments works on a Pay it Forward credit system.
You earn credits by commenting on sites and then you can use those credits to get comments on your site.
AND... The comments have to be high quality, original comments that add value to your site, and they have to be approved by Wealthy Affiliate before you get credit!
Awesome solution to the problem!
How is the Support?
The support at Wealthy Affiliate is unlike anything I have ever seen.
Let me explain...
I have had a huge amount of success getting answers to my questions simply by typing the question into a field inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
Other members answer my questions almost instantly!
Here's a screenshot inside WA to show you what I mean.
And that is just one of the amazing forms of support!
What other program do you know of that you can private message the owners and have them respond quickly?
Yea, I didn't believe it either, so I decided to private message Kyle, one of the owners and ask him to do an interview for this Wealthy Affiliate review.
Not only did he answer my private message very quickly, but he also agreed to do the interview. You can see it at the end of this review!
Here are some other awesome forms of support offered at Wealthy Affiliate:
- One on One Coaching!
- There is an active discussion inside of each classroom where unlimited questions are answered.
- Website and Hosting Support 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week.
- There is Live Chat where your questions are answered instantly.
- Website Feedback Platform where you can get instant feedback on your website.
I've saved the best for last 🙂
I will be there on the inside to assist you and answer your questions every step of the way!
I have 10 years of experience building multiple websites and earning a full time living online and I will coach you for free!
All you have to do is sign up today using this link and I will greet you instantly inside Wealthy Affiliate and help you to get started.
What is the Community Like?
As I touched on above, one of the greatest things about Wealthy Affiliate is the amazing community.
It is like a social network.
Think Facebook...
But everyone is focused on the same goal, which is building an online business, and helping each other do the same!
There are likes and shares and comments and most importantly...
If you have a question, it is literally answered in minutes!
Try it for yourself!
Sign up here for free, no credit card required, and then simply ask a question.
I guarantee you will get a very accurate, thorough answer within minutes!
Go ahead and try it! There is absolutely no obligation.
As you progress through the training and building your business, you will build a network of followers, which can be invaluable as you grow.
There is awesome support, and incredibly a lack of "jerks", for loss of a better word.
You know those people, the ones that make you feel like an idiot for asking a question that they think everyone should know.
I can think of a certain internet marketing forum that is full of them and I can't stand even visiting that forum anymore.
I won't mention the name of the forum, but if you've been there, you know. The initials are WF and I've often said WTF would be more appropriate!
Those types of people are not tolerated in the Wealthy Affiliate community and so you are left with genuine individuals working at building successful, sustainable online businesses and helping each other along the way.
Sign up for your FREE account and check out the incredible community for yourself!
Wealthy Affiliate Review Video
In the Wealthy Affiliate Review video below you will get an inside look into the Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliate.
It is very comprehensive and I think it will be helpful to you to see inside of the program before you sign up.
How Does Wealthy Affiliate Compare to Solo Build It?
Solo Build it is a direct competitor of Wealthy Affiliate and I have been a member of Solo Build It for more than 10 years.
I have also been an affiliate of Solo Build It and I have sent many customers to them over the years.
Unfortunately, since finding Wealthy Affiliate, I can longer recommend Solo Build it in good conscience.
It simply is nowhere near as good as Wealthy Affiliate and does not have a free option to join.
I've decided to do a direct comparison of the two programs for this Wealthy Affiliate Review so that you can see for yourself.
See the chart below comparing the two programs.
Wealthy Affiliate vs Solo Build it
How Long Does it Take to Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate?
This question is very difficult to answer because there are so many variables.
Obviously, the person that spends 8 quality hours a day working on their business is going to see success before the person spending 1 hour a day.
The most telling statistic that I discovered in my exclusive interview with Kyle, one of the founders, is that 100% of the members that complete the training and follow the steps outlined in Wealthy Affiliate are successful in making money online!
That is truly incredible and inspirational!
For an in depth look at making money with Wealthy Affiliate visit:
What are the Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate?
I felt it was important to include the Pros and Cons for this Wealthy Affiliate Review.
- Free option to join with no credit card required.
- 2 FREE websites included in the free option and if you decide to leave, you can take your websites with you.
- Best training that I have encountered online.
- Training is both written and high quality videos.
- The community is incredible in terms of helpfulness and support!
- You learn to build a website on the WordPress platform.
- Very easy to follow, step by step instructions.
- Help is literally almost instant. You simply type your question and members respond.
- The founders are extremely active in the community and available to help with anything.
- The success rate for those that take action and follow the steps is and incredible 100%
- No pressure or obligation to upgrade your membership.
- Weekly live training in addition to the classrooms.
- The community is full of experts and beginners alike, so you get awesome support and you can see what is possible.
- It can sometimes be hard to focus on the task at hand because the community is so much like a social network, but it is also one of the things that makes Wealthy Affiliate so good.
- Beginners can become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of information shared in the training. This can be overcome by simply taking it one step at a time and letting the lesson sink in before moving on to the next one.
Those are some of the Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate.
I have been a member for more than 4 years now and in that time I have heard a number of complaints.
Some of them are justified and some of them are not.
There are enough of them, however, that I decided to create a separate post for the Wealthy Affiliate complaints.
You can read it here:
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?
Here is what I would say if someone asked my: Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?
It is worth it if you are willing to do the hard work on a daily basis that is required to succeed.
Building an online business and making money online requires real work and Wealthy Affiliate gives you the training and tools to do that work, but YOU have to do the work if it is going to be worth it.
Too many people are looking for the easy way to make money online.
Well here is the TRUTH...
There is no easy way!
If you are someone that is looking for a fast, easy way to make money online, then no, Wealthy Affiliate will not be worth it for you.
If you are someone that is willing to put their nose to the grindstone and learn a tried and true method for building an online business, while working your butt off to do it.
Then YES, Wealthy Affiliate is worth it for you and the only thing you will regret is not starting earlier.
Do yourself a favor and Click Here to go to the post inside Wealthy Affiliate, where I asked the community: Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?
See what real members think about the program.
One of the lessons that I learned from Kyle, one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, is that it is always better to show your readers, rather than tell your readers.
So I could write this long section for this Wealthy Affiliate review on how I think that Wealthy Affiliate is worth it.
Instead, I went into Wealthy Affiliate and simply typed in the question, "Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?".
Almost instantly I had a number of responses from other members.
Here are some of the responses: (you can click on any name and see their actual post inside Wealthy Affiliate.)
These are REAL responses from REAL members!
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?
"Yes, it teaches REAL skills about how to build a website and then, how to monetize that website. The beginning steps are the foundation steps which are needed, and some of those steps are not glamorous nor glitzy, they are "boring" techy steps, but so needed to make your website right and look good."
"Training: The training is easy to understand, and flows through tasks. The live training is fantastic.
All under one roof: You can even register your domain at WA, so most everything is under one roof.
Assistance: The assistance, advice, review, and critique from others is great, but also refreshing. How often in the workplace when you ask for help does everyone turn away or pass the buck or suddenly become mute!
Side Benefits: Moral support, individuals in like minded niches, humor, and help when frustrated can all be found here.
Practice: When completing lessons we're asked to do a task at the end. But we also get to ask questions, answer them, write blogs, partake in comments, review other sites, have ours reviewed, get free comments.... and more.
It's a confidence builder no doubt! One can read a lot on a variety of very helpful and knowledgeable websites. But being a part of something that builds your know-how and technique is valuable too.
You have to decide how much so."
"Wealthy Affiliate is worth it. I have learned so much here and the help you receive is unlike any other. The community itself is great :)"
"I've been working from home full time for five years now, so it's totally been worth it. I can truly say that the training here changed my life. Now, even without WA, I have the knowledge and skills to build an online business!"
"Well worth a small investment, great value for money :)"
"Training is worth it, but so is all the help so you can do it the right way. and the tools here are Awesome."
"The training is with out a doubt worth it!"
Those are real answers from real members!
You can click on the images below to see the actual post at
Yes, real answers from real members and most importantly,
I didn't get one response that said no, it wasn't worth it!
Click Here for a link to the page inside Wealthy Affiliate that has the responses to my question, Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?
Go ahead and check it out for yourself!
Wealthy Affiliate Success Rate
For this Wealthy Affiliate review I wanted to address your questions about the Wealthy Affiliate success rate.
Inside of the program you will find many Wealthy Affiliate success stories from all over the world.
But you want to know the Wealthy Affiliate success rate.
First, it is important to understand that the success rate is dependent on the willingness and ability of the member to go through the program and take action, completing the tasks at the end of each lesson.
I'm sure there are members who, for one reason or another, just don't complete the lessons and take action on what they have learned.
I think a better question would be...
What is the Wealthy Affiliate success rate for those individuals that complete all of the lessons and complete the tasks at the end of each lesson?
The answer to that question would be close to a 100% success rate!
In my interview with Kyle, one of the founders, which you can see below, I asked him directly what the Wealthy Affiliate success rate was.
You can see his answer below.
And it will astound you!
As far as Wealthy Affiliate success stories, there are so many that I have created an awesome article just to showcase some of the amazing successes with Wealthy Affiliate.
Click here for 17 Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories That Will Blow Your Mind!
An Exclusive Interview with the Co-founder.
Here's Kyle, one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate.
Kyle is incredibly active in the Wealthy Affiliate community and I am very grateful to him for agreeing to do this interview for the Wealthy Affiliate review.
Kyle has a true passion for helping people and he will be one of the first to welcome you into the community when you sign up for your FREE account.
Let's get on with the interview!
"Hi Kyle, First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions for this Wealthy Affiliate Review."
"As one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, how would you answer the question, “What is Wealthy Affiliate”?"
"Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that provides entrepreneurs a place to create, grow and manage their online businesses. It includes everything you need from the training, the live classes, the tools, a website builder and WA only website features, domains, an industry leading hosting platform, personal support & mentoring, and the ability to network with 100,000's of like minded and very successful online marketers."
"You and Carson have obviously poured your heart and soul into Wealthy Affiliate and you have created a truly unique and awesome business. You must be very proud!"
"Can you tell us what is your favorite part of Wealthy Affiliate and what are you most proud of?"
"We are never in a state of contentment as we always have a constant push to improve and innovate at Wealthy Affiliate, but we are definitely proud of what we have accomplished to date in terms of technology, the community, and the help we are able to give people within the industry."
"We are the most proud of members of the WA family when they create success online (which comes in various forms). That is our ultimate goal and will continue to remain our focus with every update and improvement moving forward."
"One of the many things that amaze me about Wealthy Affiliate is the free membership option and the amount of value and high quality training that is included, not to mention 2 free websites."
"Can you tell me about the free membership option?"
"The free model is a difficult model to crack simply because in order for it to work, you have to really trust your service. Very few companies in this industry offer a free option simply because if people were to have a look at their product before they had to buy, they probably wouldn't buy."
"The free Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate gives people more than a good taste as to what they can expect when they go premium."
"If anyone wants to see everything that is offered, they can do so through the join page on"
"Wealthy Affiliate is in the “make money online” niche, which, as we all know, is a segment of the internet that is loaded with scams and scam artists."
"How do you respond to the question, “Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam” and how do you quell prospective members concerns in that regard?"
"Wealthy Affiliate operates in many spaces as we serve so many audiences."
"We have people at Wealthy Affiliate that want to make money, but we have people that are using it for the education, for the hosting aspects, for the domain platform, for the community/networking, for the personal support with the various types of business."
"There are all walks of life and people with an incredible scope of different businesses at WA."
"My response would always be, get a completely free Starter account and see for yourself. Let us prove to you, let us help you personally, and show you what we offer instead of trying to tell you. It is much easier this way."
"As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I know that there are tons of success stories in the community."
"Can you tell me what is the Wealthy Affiliate success rate in terms of making money online, of members that complete all of the training and take action, following all of the steps outlined, and what do you attribute that success to"?
"100% of people that work at their business until they reach success create it."
"We don't create successful for people, we facilitate it by offering them a platform to build their businesses and to do so in an ethical and sustainable way."
What people achieve is up to them and how hard they are willing to work."
"One thing I have seen over the years is that success is in direct correlation with how hard you work and how much time you are wiling to give yourself to see results."
"We all want success and we want it now, but racing after it usually ends in failure because there is no such thing as instant riches."
"That sums it up perfectly..."
"Kyle, I want to thank you once again for taking the time to do the interview for this Wealthy Affiliate review."
"I realize how busy you must be. I see how active you and Carson are in the community, helping people and responding to questions and comments."
"It really is impressive and I am proud to be a part of it."
The History of Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate was born on September 10th 2005 and was the brainchild of two internet entrepreneurs from British Columbia, Canada.
Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim started Wealthy Affiliate as a membership site that provided keyword lists to internet marketers.
It has evolved into an incredible platform for helping people to succeed online.
Below you will find my History of Wealthy Affiliate Infographic that details the timeline and improvements that have brought WA to where it is today.
The first thing that stands out is the constant improvements and upgrades as Kyle and Carson continued to invest in Wealthy Affiliate in order to build it into the top membership, hosting and training platform available today.
Feel free to share my History of Wealthy Affiliate Infographic on your site, just use the code below and make sure to link back to this Wealthy Affiliate Review.
Share the History of Wealthy Affiliate Infographic On Your Site
Wealthy Affiliate Review Conclusion and Special BONUS!
I can be a little long winded at times, but I hope that I have answered all of your questions in this Wealthy Affiliate review.
The next step is to join Kyle and I inside Wealthy Affiliate for free and see for yourself what all of the fuss is about!
We will both be there to help you get started and to answer any questions that you may have.
I hope that you have found this Wealthy Affiliate review helpful. I honestly believe that you will not find a better place to learn to build a real, sustainable online business.
In the words of my good friend and expert affiliate marketer, Kulwant Nagi...
"You can either build your dreams, or someone will hire you to help build theirs".
Join me for free inside Wealthy Affiliate and let me help you build your dreams today!
How to Claim Your Bonus!
I am sure that you have been checking out all kinds of Wealthy Affiliate Reviews on the internet, so in order to give you some incentive to use my link to join, I am going to offer you some pretty cool bonuses.
Whichever link you click last, is the one that gets credit for you joining, so make sure to click my link to join.
So, here's the deal...
Click my link and join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!
I'll be there to say hello and help you get started within an hour.
In addition to everything that Wealthy Affiliate gives you, I will give you some very cool bonuses.
If you decide to join the premium membership within 7 days, I will give you a FREE copy of my highly acclaimed book, 7 Steps to Your First $1000 Online.
My book features 7 actionable steps that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs make money online.
Yours FREE!
I will also give you a copy of my ebook, Niche Authority.
One of the most difficult parts of process is choosing a niche and Niche Authority will walk you through the process step by step and help you choose a niche that will work for you.
These books provide valuable information that can help shorten your learning curve and get you making money faster!
See you inside Wealthy Affiliate!
Please leave your questions and comments on the Wealthy Affiliate review below.
Hello John,
what a great informative site. I like the way you step-by-step cover all the details inside. It looks like you love what you do inside here.
You mention making money as a great opportunity. How do you make money inside the WA?
Keep up your great work, you are important for the honesty in this business.
Thank you.
Odd Helge Hveding
Hi Odd!
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
In response to your question, you make money with Wealthy Affiliate through what is known as affiliate marketing.
I have published an awesome article that explains affiliate marketing in great detail here.
I hope this helps!
Thanks again Odd for adding value with your comment!
I appreciate, cause I discovered just what I used to be having a look for. You’ve ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
This is one awesome review! You have not left one thing out. There is no gray areas to wonder about or no questions left to ask! And how could I possibly lose by giving this platform a try! Thanks John for this thorough information!
Hi Grant!
Welcome to the Scam Free Zone!
I appreciate your comment.
I tried to as thorough as possible, although I am a perfectionist(it’s a blessing and a curse), so I am sure that I will be adding more content as I think of things that will add value for my readers.
Thanks again Grant for the awesome comment!
Hi John,
You hit the nail right on the head and covered EVERYTHING! I am so glad I found Wealthy Affiliate to and I went yearly because I know I am here to stay and I’m not going to give up! I had NO experience before coming here. I never thought I could ever build a website and follow tutorials and video’s much less have 2 websites! Way to go and keep up the great work..
Best Wishes,
Hi Krissy!
Thanks for the comment!
I am so glad that you are finding everything that you need at Wealthy Affiliate!
One of my goals when creating this Wealthy Affiliate review was to be able to help people find this awesome program and try to help them avoid the scams online.
Thanks again Krissy for your feedback! If you ever need help with your online business, I’m here for you!
Hey JV,
Great WA review and good job on getting one of the founders to conduct an interview… that’s awesome and says a lot about Wealthy Affiliate.
My favorite part of Wealthy Affiliate is the free websites. It lets you test the waters and once you’re ready for your site to go live, you can transfer it to its own domain.
The training is incredible; but it’s true that a newbie can be overwhelmed. I have to admit that this is one of the very few products out there that actually show you how to make money online.
Thanks for sharing,
Hey Diana,
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my Wealthy Affiliate review!
I can see that I don’t have convince you how good the program is.
Thanks again Diana!
Hey John
Fantastic review of the Wealthy Affiliate University!
I am already a part of the community and have been for the last year (almost).
One of the questions I get asked quite often if how soon can you make money with Wealthy Affiliate? I noticed you covered this briefly in your review… And it is true, it is different for everyone.
but here is what my own experience has been…
It took me around 6 months to make my first commission with WA. I worked my a** off and could see my website progressing each and every day.
Then, at around the 9 or 10 month mark into my WA experience. I decided to start a second business through their training…
This one took me 1 month 10 days to see my first profits…
Both my online businesses now continue to grow exponentially, but the point I want to make is this…
I chased the get rich quick systems for almost 10 years prior to trying WA. Yeah, I made money, but for the most part I broke even or lost.
With WA, which sometimes appears to be a slower route, because they don’t hype things up. I have accomplished more in the last year, than I had with other systems over the last 10 years online.
If your readers are reading this comment and serious about an honest opportunity that involves real work to reach long term success, then I highly recommend they take you up on the free WA getting started membership to see what it is about.
Nothing to lose… Everything to gain!
Keep up the awesome work and I look forward to meeting everyone in the community!
Marc Parsons
“Life’s shweet when you have the right friends!”
Hey Marc!
Thanks for sharing your story!
That is one of the questions that is very difficult to answer and I really appreciate your perspective and experience.
One of the questions that I asked Kyle in the interview was; What percentage of people that complete the training and take action, completing all of the steps outlined in Wealthy Affiliate are successful at making money online?
I was floored by his answer that 100% of the people that follow the program are successful at making money online!
I don’t believe that there is another program online that can claim those kind of results!
Thanks again Marc for adding value with your comment!
Hey John,
I used Wealthy Affiliate way back in 2008 when I first started my affiliate marketing company. It was great back in the day, but over a year ago I rejoined and the changes they have made are phenomenal. I have seen a number of online money making programs over the years and about 95% of them are pure garbage. Wealthy Affiliate is different because they actually have evolved with the industry.
Way back in the day Wealthy Affiliate used to be all about article marketing, but now in 2016 that tactic really is pretty useless. They teach you how to get into a niche and then actually get some qualified traffic to your website.
The $299 a year price tag is well worth just Kyle and Carson’s personal help, but they offer so much more as you have clearly stated in your review.
Hey Garen,
I started back in 07 with SBI.
I only wish I had started with Wealthy Affiliate!
Much better platform and much better community at WA.
I really can’t believe how involved Kyle and Carson are in the community. I sent Kyle a private message and asked if he would do an interview with me and we did the interview the next day.
Cool guy!
Thanks again for the comment Garen!
Hi Aram,
Thanks for the comment!
It really is quite refreshing to be able to find and recommend a program that truly helps people and doesn’t try to just take their money.
I am committed to helping people and believe that I have honestly answered the question.
Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?
I am happy that you have found value in my post and want to thank you Aram for adding to that value with your comment!
Hey John, I liked your article quite a bit, it was quite easy to read and comprehend, breaking down points and using images makes reading and understanding your material just as much easier. Thanks for helping people who are new to whole “make money online” stuff to not fall into traps of these scammer who try to squeeze people’s hard earn money. Thank you for educating people about online scams out there and letting them know about this wonderful program called Wealthy Affiliate. Everybody who puts enough effort and passion deserves to succeed, but unfortunately there are a lot of sketchy and fishy programs that people end up spending a lot of money before they find out they’ve been scammed, even saving one person to avoid such scams is a humanitarian work. You article pretty much covered what a beginner to whole “make money online” stuff would like to know as this is really all you need to know. I’m sure you put many hours to write this thoughtful article, started from explaining people what only scams are and putting them into right direction to enroll in an authentic and genuine affiliate program that just simply WORKS. We definetely need people like you who contributes to online world in such a positive way and likes helping strangers. Thanks for the value you providing! 🙂
cheers, Aram 🙂
Great rundown on Wealthy Affiliate! Being a member for six months I found it easy to navigate and implement all the strategies to market and write qualthy content. Overall I have to say that no it is not a scam but with that said you DO have to do your due diligence and actually work. Awesome post here and I would say to fence sitters should at least sign up for free.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your viewpoint!
It is always nice to hear from actual members of Wealthy Affiliate.
One of the criteria that I used in determining my answer to the question; “Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?”, was to find members that are currently using the program and see if they are satisfied.
You have helped to answer that question for my readers.
Thanks again Dave for adding value with your comment!
Hi John, Your website looks great. I am impressed and all your links work fine. I can see that you are not new to Affiliate Marketing. You have relevant content too. Good Job.
Hi Luna,
Thanks for your comment!
I have been running a successful affiliate marketing business since 2007.
I work from home and can’t imagine living life any other way!
Thanks again Luna.
Hi John
This is a great review of Wealthy Affiliate. I stand by it 100%. Nothing can compare to wealthy Affiliate. It is simply the best and the cheapest. The owners have so much confidence in wealthy Affiliate that they offer a totally free membership. How many programs out there does this?
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for about 2 years and I am making enough money to support my household every month with some extra cash to spoil myself.
Wealthy affiliate is the way to go.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for your insight!
It is awesome to hear from someone that has been involved with Wealthy Affiliate for a couple of years and is successful.
It is just further evidence in our search for the answer to; Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?
Clearly, if it were a scam, there would not be long term members like yourself that are completely satisfied with what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.
Thanks again Helen for adding your insight and value to this post!
Great write up on wealthy affiliate. I was admittedly skeptical being new to affiliate marketing and the Wealthy Affiliate program. I spent about three days going through the Wealthy Affiliate site as a free member (which is the only program I found that didn’t require a credit card upfront) and what I found there was a ton of great information on affiliate marketing. This program is far from a scam and the Wealthy Affiliate community is really a great group of people. They are willing help with anything you need.
If anyone is new to affiliate marketing or even if they have been working at it for years, Wealthy Affiliates is a community of people that want to create something valuable and share their experience. I hear from the owners often and get the support I need to make my efforts successful. In a week I had a site up and running with better results than I had at this stage in any other online effort I’ve tried.
In sum: Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam and the one place anyone interested in affiliate marketing needs to go. It’s a big Internet out there; don’t try to go it alone with such a valuable resource readily available. The free account is great; the premium is even better and worth ten times the cost.
Hey Rich,
Thanks for the awesome insight into Wealthy Affiliate!
It still amazes me that I can’t find anyone that is not happy with the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Thanks again Rich, for helping us to answer the question; Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?
Clearly the answer is no it’s not.
Hey John……i highly appreciate this review of yours about Wealthy affiliate because actually this is my second week doing my research about this program before i join because for as in Kenya we don’t have the option to join as free member but fortunately your review has answered allll the questions i had. Thanks a lot for investing your time in helping others to know more about the amazing program.
Hi Armstrong,
Thanks for the awesome comment!
I am glad that I could be of help to you. If there is anything else that I can answer for you, please let me know.
You are going to love Wealthy Affiliate and if you join through my link, I will be there to help you from day one!
Thanks again Armstrong!
At 84! I have been trying (and failing) to make some extra money on line, for quite some time, simply to boost my state pension.
My New Years resolution: I have made up my mind not to throw any more money away on these ‘get rich quick’ schemes.
I suddenly came across Wealthy Affiliate, thought I would research it, what I found is so refreshing, it seems so genuine, and an ideal opportunity for people like me to really make some extra money on line – without conning anyone too! Which is not my way.
It seems to me that this is a ‘get rich gradually’ scheme! I am sure there is some hard diligent work ahead, but I am equally sure that this time it is going to pay off.
So, I have decided to go for it, I will become a Premier member right from the start. So now I am looking forward to the New Year with all the excitement that my association with Wealthy Affiliate will bring.
Watch this space!
Thank you
Hi Denis,
I love your enthusiasm!
Carry that attitude over to building your online business at Wealthy Affiliate and there is no doubt that you will be successful!
If you decide to join through my link above, I will be there inside Wealthy Affiliate to help you every step of the way!
Here’s to an amazing 2017!
Well to be honest I just came across wealthy affiliate platform from this post itself. I think you have covered it very well regarding its features and other necessary things.
I will surely join it now.
Hey James,
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my Wealthy Affiliate review!
If you join the program, I will be there to greet you and to answer any questions that you may have.
Thanks again James!
See you inside,
Hi John,
Thank you for a very simple and understandable explanation of the business. I have just joined by making use of one of your links. I am looking forward to start this journey with you guys.
Kind regards,
Hi Wikus,
Thank you for your kind words!
I think you will find everything that you need to be successful at WA.
Great WA review! I have been researching legit ways to make money online. Wealthy Affiliate always comes up trumps. Your review was honest and truthful. I joined WA last year and everything you have written is true. WA is the way forward.
Hi Russ,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my unbiased Wealthy Affiliate Review!
Honest and truthful is the only way to be.
I only review programs and products that I have actually used.
Some are good, some aren’t, but the key is to be truthful and share both the good and the bad.
Thanks again Russ!
Wow, I think this might be one of the best Wealthy Affiliate reviews I have ever seen. As a fellow member of the community, I too support its methods and believe in it as a successful way to make money online. Thank you so much for sharing.
Hi Catherine,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my unbiased Wealthy Affiliate review!
It really is a great community.
When I reached out inside of the community and asked: “Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?”, I didn’t get one answer that said no it wasn’t worth it.
Not to mention how helpful and spam free the community is!
Thanks again Catherine!
What a detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate you’ve posted here. I loved reading it and feel very motivated to be part of this amazing community and making money online at the same time. Thank you for reconfirming Wealthy Affiliate is the best company for online marketing.
All the very best
Hey Rani,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Wealthy Affiliate review!
I am glad that you enjoyed it and found it valuable.
I truly believe it is the best place to build an online business.
Thanks again Rani!
Wow, wow you surely did a great review on Wealthy Affiliate perhaps the most detail one that I have ever seen
Wealthy Affiliate is amazing and the training that is taught by this community will help anyone to have success online. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Norman,
Thanks for stopping by!
Sometimes I am a little long winded, but I try to bring value to my readers, so that they leave feeing like they have learned something and that it was well worth their time.
I hope that I accomplished that with you!
Thanks again Norman!
This quite an extensive and thorough review of the Wealthy Affiliate program. It has all the details necessary to make an informed decision on this above-average online marketing training program. Thanks for sharing this info. All the Best.
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my honest Wealthy Affiliate review.
I try to cover everything in detail so that you have all of the facts.
Thanks again Joseph!